Season 3: Patch 3.04 Notes

Here come the newest Patch 3.04 Notes.

That bring more changes to few popular champions, such as:

*Elise – tweaks on her damage for 2 skills
*Jarvan IV – remove bonus armor from Demacian Standard, but increase shield on Golden Aegis
*Singed – reduce fling damage and remove tenacity from his ultimate, I am not sure why they nerf him again considering how hit and miss singed. Except at the hand of Korean teams
*Taric – nerf for Shatter and Dazzle

On item section, there are a lot of price tweak/drop for recipes and buffs.

Well lets see how the LCS team change their roster, especially jungle Jarvan IV since they remove bonus armor. Will teams completely drop him from jungle roster?

MPS Item: Blade of the Ruined King (BotRK)

Since the change on patch 3.03 BotRK has become a good item for AD carry and AD bruiser to pick up this item, especially if you are facing health stacking team or League of Warmog.

Because, it passive deal 5% attack damage based on target’s current health and the active let you life steal 15% of target’s maximum health plus 30% slow their movement speed for 4 seconds.

Other benefit of BotRK is a good item to kill dragon and baron, since both monster have high health.

* +25 Attack Damage
* +15% Life Steal
* +40% Attack Speed

Passive: auto attack deal 5% physical damage based on target’s current health

Active: Drain 15% target’s maximum health damage in physical damage and heal the same amount to caster, additionally slow target’s movement by 30% for 4 seconds

While it give some nice stats and ability to go against heavy health stacking enemy, at the end of the day BotRK do not give as much damage compare to BloodThrister which may give you higher damage in the long run as it give higher Attack Damage bonus for you auto attack and ability.

MPS Item: Warmog’s Armor (League of Warmog)


One of the most popular item in Season 3 and for a good reason. Since the change of armor and magic penetration mechanic, % number will take affect first then flat number, which increase overall damage even if you stack armor or magic resist.

Also the ‘tweak’ on warmog’s health regen, 1% of maximum health, if you stack health on champion (Olaf or Shen for example) it will give a huge amount of health regen which make you almost unmoveable in lane. It is 10 health regen per 5 sec from the warmog’s itself plus 1% of champion health (based and other item combined).

For me, I prefer Warmog’s Armor compare to Guardian Angel. Because the reduce amount of armor and magic resist since the ‘tweak’ and in team fight if your team is losing when you revived, you will be surrounded by enemy. So I believe, having extra health is better to last a little bit longer and do more damage to the enemy, instead dying and make a 4v5 situation in team fight until I revive again.

Season 3: Patch 3.03 Notes

Another week with another patch update.

Riotgames Patch 3.03 Notes

For summary, there are lots of changes for some champions, most noticable are:
*AP Tryndamere
*Taric tweak
*Xin Zhao

These changes are expected due to the frequency of ban and pick from LCS. I’m still waiting for Thresh tweak.

For Item and General changes:
*Warmog – health regen 1% per 5 seconds
*Blade of the Ruin King – change in item recipe and move to attack speed section

Season 3: Patch 3.02 Notes

Another week another patch update, here is the link to the patch notes on league of legends website:

Champion that got buff/nerf:
*Akali – change in her passive, by removing the min. requirements for ‘Discipline of Force’ and ‘Discipline of Might’ to nothing. Reduce spell vamp. and bonus damage to 6%.
*Nasus – little buff to his ultimate and his ‘Q’ cost 20 mana for all level
*Riven – change to her passive bonus become 15%-45% of her total damage. (I wonder when will Riven achieve the status of ‘Balance’)

Item change will mostly affect cooldown reduction items where some got increase and some got lower as well as changes in total price.

Here is the video where they explain some of the decision

Season 3: Patch 3.01 Notes

Here is the link to the patch notes on League of Legends official web.

Some noticeable changes are:
* Ezreal – being nerf again!!
* Katarina – being tweak
* Miss Fortune – ultimate (Bullet Time) being nerf
* Olaf – remove armor pen passive to active bonus on ultimate (Ragnarok)

I assume these changes are based on the latest IEM and LCS ban/pick results. Due to how popular this champions are on ban/pick.

There are more changes to look into and also in the item’s recipe as well.

Merry Xmas ’12 and Hapy New Year ’13

Happy holiday for every LoL players and below is this blog’s 2012 Annual Report from

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 6,900 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 12 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.

MPS Item: Heart of Gold (Removed)


Sad news that Heart of Gold is being removed from the game, as a support I will be missing those extra health and gold generated from Heart of Gold.

In exchange, Riot add new mastery called pickpocket where it give gold for every hit to enemy champion (5g for melee and 3g for range attack).

While it sounds good, it need 16 mastery points in Support Tree to unlock it. Also to be as effective as Heart of Gold, every minute you need to attack enemy champion at least 10 times (for ranged support). I will not mention melee support for this mastery, since it will create a big risk to be in the firing line just for an extra 5g and when it come to late game, most of the time support will roam or stay in safe place prior to team fight.

*Heart of Gold = 5g per 10 second, 30g per minute*

In my opinion, pickpocket is a good passive to help support generate extra gold. But, I hold my reservation toward putting (at least) 17 points to Support Mastery Tree